Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Catching Up

No we are not behind, but you are. I thought I would start by telling everyone what we have covered in the first 4 weeks and then let Anthony keep up with the summaries about 2 times a week. I'll break it down by subject:
We have discussed 6 major religions: Christianity, animism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism.
Bible reading from: John 3:16, Genesis 11:1-9, Isaiah 45:22-24, Psalm 24:1-2, Luke 2:8-11, Revelation 5:6-10, Revelation 7:9-17, Matthew 1:1-24, Matthew 2:13-18
Memory Verses: Matthew 1:23 "The vigin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him "Immanuel"- which means, "God with us."
Matthew 4:4 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
We have talked about Navejo people and Cuba.
We have learned about Dwight Moody and Harriet Tubman.
We have a book series about missionaries. We are reading about Cameron Townsend, a missionary to Central America right now. So far he has translated the New Testament into a tribal language, Cakchiquel. He is trying to convince authorities in Mexico to allow him to work with Indian tribes there. He is trying to fund his missions during the Great Depression. It has been a wonderful book.
Language: We have 2 different sources for language.
The first book has various exercises on reading, writting, and interpreting short stories, poems and essays. It is somewhat difficult for Anthony to understand. He's not the world's biggest English fan. Our second source is geared towards promoting writing skills. I have started sitting down completely to complete these assignments as well as the other. This is a struggle, but I understand the information, so I just have to get Anthony to give the effort.
I'm hoping that blogging will help with his writing skills. I know that you may get to read about World of Warcraft some because he loves it. That may help him write.
Math: We have been doing addition and subtraction problems. It is just started at a lower level and reviewing. The program has started to use lots of word problems now. That seemed to be a weak point so it is good to work on these.
We just started spelling last week. It is a simple program. I won't bore you with details.
Geography: We started just studying maps and globes and learning terminology. Learning continents and oceans. We spent 2 weeks learning the states and some basic geography.
Science: We are studying the desert at the moment.
I'm starting to figure this out as we go along. We have had a couple of good days. I'm very proud.
Anthony has been in soccer for a few weeks now. We started having games this week. I will add pictures later. Anthony loves playing and is good. He has played goalie, defender and forward. We are 0-2 right now. We had to forfeit the first game because we didn't have enough players. We played anyways. Our team did pretty good. The second game wasn't great. 0-7. We haven't had practice since we started games because we play on Mondays and Tuesdays. Hopefully, we will continue to practice on Thursdays. I'll keep everyone updated.

Friday, September 14, 2007

3 weeks down :o)

We have successfully completed almost 3 weeks of homeschool. We are trying to establish routines still, but the work is getting done. Above is the table where we do our work. I now have a world map on the wall in the dining room. Talk about learning in every moment of the day. We have move into our first group of study, North America. We will spend a couple weeks in the US and then move to study Mexico, Canada, and Central America. We made a cake earlier this week with the continents on it. We know all 7 continents and all 5 oceans by heart. We are starting on the 50 states now. We have added our spelling program. Overall I think it is working well. Hopefully, I can convince Anthony as well. We will start taking field trips soon.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Post from Mom

This is a blog created for Anthony. We will journal our journey with homeschooling. He will be posting to encourage writing skills. I will be posting progress, activities and pictures of his projects. I hope our family and friends enjoy reading this.